First Baptist Church of E Poestenkill
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY-Third Thursday of the month, 6-:730PM (All ages welcome).
WEEKLY PRAYER-Sundays 10-10:30AM
FAMILY FUN NIGHTS- Second Friday of the month starting September 13, 6-7:30PM.
Thank you for stopping by to learn more about our church. Our Sunday worship includes scripture, prayer, a mix of hymns and contemporary songs, and expository preaching. There are volunteers who lead a nursery and children’s time (ages 6 months through 2nd grade) during the message. We look forward to your visit.
Please contact us with any questions. Email Us!
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The mission of First Baptist Church of East Poestenkill is for its people to:
GROW as disciples of Christ, and
GO share the love of God in Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit.