Add a Church Are we missing your church? Add your Village Missions church and claim your page. Have an account? Sign in If you don’t have an account you can create one below by entering your email address/username. Your account details will be confirmed via email. Username Password Verify Password Your email Church Name SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS (optional) This will appear near the top of your page, just under your church name and contact info. Village Missionary Pastor & Wife (optional) Country/Waiting Choose one. Need Missionary United States Canada About your church (optional) This is a great place to write a welcome message to people that find your church and are considering a place to visit or join. You can also copy and paste a Vimeo or Youtube link into here to have a video show here (the video link can be between, before, or after any paragraph you want). State/Province Select Region Alberta Alaska Arizona British Columbia California Colorado Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Maine Manitoba Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Nevada North Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Saskatchewan South Dakota Vermont Virginia Washington Wisconsin Wyoming Your church address (optional) Enter your church's address here so that people can easily get directions to you. If the Google pin doesn't show where your church is actually located, please drag and drop the pin to the correct spot on the map. Mailing Address (optional) (if different from physical address) Logo (optional) The first image will be shown on listing cards. Service Times (optional) This is a great place to list your church service times. Facebook (optional) Phone (optional) Website (optional) Twitter username (optional) Remote Position (optional) Select if this is a remote position. Instagram (optional) YouTube (optional) Sermon Audio (optional) Link to your sermon audio archive (e.g. could be a link to your page, iTunes podcast, Google Play sermon audio, SoundCloud channel, audio, or Stitcher profile). Support (optional) Church Images (optional) Tip: Add your best picture first! The first picture will be used as a featured pic and will be shown in search results. Village Missionary (optional) OPTIONAL: If you want to show your name by your picture, we have to have you enter your name a 2nd time. Sorry, I know it's a bit redundant 🙂 Village Missionary Picture (optional) Upload a picture of your Village Missionary family (will show below the church info section). Pastoral Resident (optional) Name of the pastoral resident Resident Picture (optional) Upload a picture of your pastoral resident. Pastoral Resident Bio (optional) Introduce your pastoral resident Intern (optional) Name of Intern and spouse. Intern Picture (optional) Upload a picture of your intern. Intern Bio (optional) Introduce your church intern.