About VM

Village Missions (VM) supports and sends missionary pastors to rural communities across North America…communities where the Gospel of Christ often would not be preached if it were not for the presence of the Village Missions pastor and church in that area.

This website is a great way to find and learn more about the churches and communities that Village Missions serves. We invite you to stop in and visit a VM church while you’re traveling and would love to have you become part of a Village Missions church if you live near one! We’re super-friendly and very family-oriented. Hope to see you soon! 🙂


Are you called?

If you love rural areas and feel God calling you into ministry, please pray and consider joining Village Missions to minister to a rural community here in North America. We currently have more than 20 churches waiting for a Village Missionary pastor.

Learn More

To learn even more about Village Missions, or to find out how you can get involved and/or support Village Missions financially, please visit https://villagemissions.org/